News from Canada Central District
February 1, 2013
The Church of the Nazarene‘s Canada Central District presently covers the province of Ontario. Our churches are located throughout the province, from Ottawa in the east to Windsor in the west to Niagara in the south and Sault Ste Marie in the north. We have 41 fully organized congregations and 2 Compassionate Ministry Centres, The Sharing Place and Manantial Neighbourhood Services. We have 3 full-time chaplains serving in hospitals and corrections ministries. Riverview Campground (Pefferlaw) is our district facility for family, youth and kid‘s camps as well as a number of other events and ministries.
Serving as our District Superintendent is Reverend Ian Fitzpatrick. As well as overseeing the local churches and ministries of the district, Pastor Ian also provides leadership for a variety of committees and councils which provide information, resources and support for the local churches, including, for example, Sunday School Ministries (S.D.M.I. council), Youth Ministries (N.Y.I. council), and Missions (N.M.I council).
A district newsletter, "In the Loop" is published twice monthly. Copies are available at the back of the gym, if you‘re interested in more information.