News from Church of the Nazarene Canada
February 1, 2013
Rev. Elaine Bumstead, Director of International Projects for Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Canada, reports that ―the country of Sri Lanka is suffering with unusual flooding, and that Bangladesh is experiencing unusual cold. NCM Canada has contributed $3500 for blankets in Bangladesh for people suffering from the cold. If you wish to contribute funds for blan-kets, please go online at under 'Giving Opportunities' or call National Office 1-888-808-7490. Credit card donations accepted. Cheques may be made payable to the Church of the Nazarene Canada and designated 'Blankets for Bangladesh.'
"An additional prayer request - NCM Canada is currently renewing the Canadian Food Grains Bank funded projects in the countries of Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Please pray that other CFGB members will support our projects so that funding of these can proceed smoothly and without interruption to project activities on the ground."